Shelby Energy Cooperative employees are here to serve you.
Please call 800-292-6585 or email us anytime if you have any questions or concerns regarding your electric service and follow us on Facebook for updates.
Always call 800-292-6585 or use SmartHub to report outages or downed power lines.
DO NOT report to Facebook or e-mail as they are not monitored 24/7.

Can I receive alerts?
Yes, Sign up for SmartHub to sign up for text message, e-mail or push notification alerts about outages and your electric account.
What is Kentucky Living Magazine?
Kentucky Living Magazine is published by Kentucky Electric Cooperatives and it is the largest circulating publication in the state. We send this to you to keep you up-to-date on important cooperative news and business.
What options do I have for outdoor lighting?
You can request a consultation by calling 800-292-6585 or visit our Outdoor Lighting page to see all of your options.
I'm interested in Renewable Energy sources, what can you offer?
Shelby Energy has a variety of renewable energy programs and we'd love to help you meet your sustainability goals!
Take a look at:
Solar 101
Cooperative Solar
Please explore our website to learn more!
Statement of Non-Discrimintation