The Touchstone Energy Home Program provides guidance during the building process to guarantee a home that is > 25-30% more efficient than the Kentucky standard-built home.
Prescriptive Path: $750 Rebate
- The Home must meet each efficiency value as prescribed by Shelby Energy Cooperative.
- The Home must receive a pre-drywall inspection and complete the pre-drywall checklist.
- The Home must receive a final inspection, pass a whole-house air leakage test and duct leakage test.
- The Primary source of heat must be an Air Source Heat Pump > current Energy Star specifications for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration "SEER" and Heating Season Performance Factor "HSPF" or Geothermal.
- The water heater must be an electric storage tank water heater that is > current Energy and Water Conservation standards established by the Federal Department of Energy.
Performance Path: $750 Rebate
- The Home must receive a HERS Index Score of < 75 (at least 30% more efficient than the KY Standard-built home)
- The Home must receive a pre-drywall inspection and complete the pre-drywall checklist.
- The Home must receive a final inspection, pass a whole-house air leakage test and duct leakage test.
- The Primary source of heat must be an Air Source Heat Pump > current Energy Star specifications for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration "SEER" and Heating Season Performance Factor "HSPF" or Geothermal.
- The water heater must be an electric storage tank water heater that is > current Energy and Water Conservation standards established by the Federal Department of Energy.
Please contact Shelby Energy Cooperative approximately one month before the drywall is to be installed for your Pre-Drywall Checklist and to schedule inspections.