Each year, Shelby Energy Cooperative sponsors three high school Juniors for the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour.
Selected students will join nearly 1,500 students from across the country for a week-long, all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. where they will tour national monuments, government buildings and museums.

The 2024 Washington Youth Tour trip will take place June 17-22.

To be eligible: 

You must be a Junior in High School &
You must have a parent or guardian that is served by Shelby Energy Cooperative. 

Complete the application below. 
Six students will be selected to attend the Frankfort Youth Tour in March
and three will be selected from the group of six to attend the Washington Youth Tour in June. 
Please call 800.292.6585 for more information.

  • Current Youth Tour Application
  • Complete
Contact Information
Which high school do you attend?
Please provide the name of your school guidance counselor or a teacher that can provide a reference if necessary.

Essay Topic: If you could create a non-profit organization that would make a difference in the world, what would it be and why? ( max. 500 words)

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